Community Guidelines / FAQ

Community Guidelines

When you use the ASAF community portal, you join a diverse community of people from many different backgrounds. The guidelines below help keep the platform fun and enjoyable for everyone.

If you see content that you think violates these guidelines, use the reporting feature to submit it for review by the SP & ASAF Board.

General Policy
The online Community is part of the African Students & Alumni Forum (ASAF) based on the principles of democracy, cohesion, solidarity and equality among the students and alumni. ASAF is a neutral, unbiased and nonpartisan in the existing political discourse.

Spam & deceptive practices
The community is built on trust. Content that intends to scam, mislead, spam, or defraud other users isn’t allowed in the community portal.

Sensitive content
We hope to protect everyone in the community. If you see sensitive content like suicide, self-injury, and similar, please report them, so we can check if they’re safe to see in our community portal.

Violent or dangerous content
Hate speech, predatory behaviour, graphic violence, malicious attacks, and content that promotes harmful or dangerous behaviour isn’t allowed in the ASAF community portal.

Please take these rules seriously. If a member is on- and/or off-platform behaviour harms our users, community, employees or ecosystem, we may respond based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the egregiousness of their actions and whether a pattern of harmful behaviour exists. Our response will range from suspending a users privileges to account termination. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Who can I contact for support?

For information about the community and its members, please contact the community management at

If you have technical problems, please contact the IT support: (Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00 hrs CET).

You can also use our Contact us form.

What is ASAF?

ASAF is a platform offering opportunities for exchange, collaboration and capacity building to African beneficiaries of international mobility scholarships funded by the European Union and supported by the African Union.

Which are the objectives of ASAF?

  • contribute to the political dialogue between the African Union and the European Union, in particular in the framework of the Africa-EU Partnership and the Africa-EU Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs
  • contribute to Africa’s sustainable development through our proactiveness and our students’ and alumni’s skills and resources
  • strengthen young people’s networking, innovation, participatory and leadership skills and skills for employability
  • enhance student and alumni participation in the educational processes, strengthening links between higher education and the labour market
  • promote dialogue and networking among stakeholder associations on issues of common concern
  • “giving back”: make others aware of the international mobility opportunities which we have enjoyed and help them to do the same

Why join ASAF?

ASAF offers you a platform to

  • network: developing and becoming part of a Pan-African community spread across the whole continent gives you huge opportunities to interact with different people, to learn about different countries and cultures, and to make your own country and culture better known across the continent; to learn from others and let others learn from you, to exchange good tips and practices
  • develop, implement and promote innovative projects for the benefit of young people, students and staff – in particular for improving skills and competences and building stakeholders’ capacities
  • take part in training activities to improve your skills and know-how
  • be part of a dialogue with policy makers on the modernisation of African higher education to better respond to today’s and tomorrow’s skills and labour market needs, and on the internationalisation and the harmonisation of higher education in Africa
  • help stakeholders and decision makers from Africa and the European Union to furtherdevelop international mobility programmes and boost their impact
  • proactively harness opportunities for community engagement and contributing to societal progress
  • help to strengthen Africa’s common identity

What are the membership critera?

Members of ASAF are individuals of African origin who have taken or are currently taking part in one of the following international mobility schemes:

  • Erasmus+ short-term International Credit Mobility,
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees,
  • Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme,
  • Intra Africa Academic Mobility Scheme,
  • African Union’s Nyerere Scholarship and Academic Mobility Programme (only if the scholarship holder is currently taking part or has taken part in an international mobility scheme). 

In addition, there is an understanding that members have no economic or political benefits intended towards ASAF and that every member accepts the ASAF mission and principles.

How to become a member of ASAF?

An individual can become a member of ASAF by filling in the online application form. When all requirements have been met and the eligibility has been checked the applicant will be accepted as a member.

Who is ASAF supported by?

ASAF is funded by the Pan-African Programme of the European Union and implemented under the joint steering of the European Commission and of the African Union Commission. A Contractor, which is a consortium of the companies Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V., wiminno, Insitut für Höhere Studien and MOSAIC, has been appointed to support ASAF’s setup concerning logistics, content, IT-issues and surveys etc.

Got no answer for your question? Maybe our other FAQ will help instead.