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2022-01-28 News ASAF News

Interim Board meeting, Establishing a governance structure within ASAF

The ASAF interim board call took place online on the 18th of January 2022 to discuss the structure of ASAF and the physical meeting in Dakar, Senegal.

Felix Kawabena Donkor ASAF President, edited by Service provider

It is said that there is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come. ASAF as a dynamic and burgeoning entity, depends on the services of dedicated individuals working as a team. As an African proverb says “Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it”, the work of leading such a vibrant association as ASAF cannot be accomplished by any single individual; thus necessitating a cadre of leaders guided by a governance framework.

The idea of establishing a governance structure within ASAF to oversee the organization's activities gained traction over time. In December 2021, this idea was translated into the formation of an interim board. This follows a poll amongst members of the erstwhile ASAF CORE group. The interim board has the mandate to manage the affairs of ASAF until elections are held to choose leaders for various positions within ASAF. The elections are expected to take place in the second half of 2022; the mandate of the interim board should not exceed 9 months.

The interim board revolves around:

·        Felix Kwabena Donkor (President)

·        Lina Mkoji (Vice President for regional representation and inclusion)

·        Yamungu Alongo Boniface (Vice President for mobility programmes inclusion)

·        Hanan Meckawy (Liaison Professional and Capacity Development)

·        Bahaa Saidi (Liaison Communication)

·        Nabil Laakoun (Liaison Community Development)

·        Anne-Eunice Botny (Liaison International Cooperation and Collaboration)

·        Cosmas Kombat (Liaison Internal Affaires)

·        Jackson Lontchi (Liaison Research and Survey)

The interim board is very much looking forward to improving ASAF and to collaborating with the huge number of committed members. Only with the support and engagement of all of ASAF we can move forward.


Felix Kawabena Donkor ASAF President, edited by Service provider

28.01.2022 Cologne

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